I was running over the summer and LOVED it! I went back to work in Sept and it all went to hell and I stopped exercising at all. Anyways, I am trying to get back into a grove since the weather has grown quite cold around here. I have had the this set of the Walk Away The Pounds DVDs (now called Walk at Home) for many years. I love the program. It is fun and goes by fast and you get a fairly decent work out. I have done the 2 mile walk 2x this week and plan on doing it again tomorrow. I know exercise is the key to weight loss for me so I am tying to add more of it into my weeks so I see better results on the scale.
Haven't heard of WATP? Check out the website for it here!
(No I was not asked to endorse this program! I just like it so I wanted to share it with others!)
Breakfast Sausage
17 hours ago
Of all the exercise DVD's I've tried, WATP are my favorite. They're the only ones I can use where I don't feel like I'll have a heart attack. LOL