Monday, May 30, 2011

Spring Fever Challenge: Week 9

Life's Journey with a Smile

My Goals:
1. Lose 8lbs!
2. Exercise 3x a week!
3. C25k program!
4. Scrapbook more!
5. Read more!
6. Continue cleaning, organizing, and purging in my home!

Positive Picture:
My little cheese face!!! She is just so precious and keeps me going through all that I have going on!

What have you done this past week to help achieve your goals?
I exercised 2x this week (G2)! WOO HOO!  I started reading a new book called Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott (G5).  Its an addicting book that I can not put down!  Its so sad and horrifying, but sooooo GOOD! Goal 3 (C25k) has been crossed out as I have recently found myself in the position of being a single mom to my three year old so getting out there to run has been impossible. I have also done more on G6 in my kitchen and living-room.

What did you do this past week to make you feel good about yourself?
I surrounded myself with family and friends who are extremely supportive of me in all that I am going through. With out them all I would never survive this ordeal.

What is your ultimate fitness goal in life?
To get to my goal weight and maintain it!!!

Do you have something you'd like to accomplish but think you can't?
I'd love to live debt free, but I don't see that happening, EVER!

Fun Question: Do you wear perfume/cologne? If so what kind?
Oh, love this question!  For the past 10 or so years I have only worn body spray out of respect for someone in my life due to perfume causing headaches, but now that I am moving on I can start wearing it again! I have been thinking about it a lot lately and have no idea what is out there these days that smells nice! Anyone have an suggestions?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

My sweet friend Timmy over at TIMOTHOLOGY presented me and a bunch of other awesome bloggers with this award the other day!  I am just getting around to posting it now as I am in a real funk that I can't seem to find my way out of, but that's all for another post!!!

for thinking of me and putting a huge smile on my face!

Part of the award is to tell you 7 things about me:
1. I am a fast food junkie and its soooooooo bad!
2. I am an avid reader.
3. I took ballet lesson for many years as a kid and a teenager!
4. I still have my collection of cabbage patch dolls from when I was a kid.
5. I am a very unorganized person at home; something that I am trying hard to change.
6. I am really struggling with my weight loss journey right now because of the insane turn my personal life has taken.
7. I love it when it rains!

Now I am supposed to pass on the award to 15 other fellow bloggers:
1. Challenge Accepted
2. Diary of a Fat Girl
3. Finding the Thin Within
4. Idle to Idol
5. It's My Evolution
6. Keep It Up, David!
7. KellyisLosingWeight
8. Mama in Progress
9. Motivation is Overrated
11. She Ain't Right...
12. Starting At 500 Pounds
13. The Shafer Family
14. Triumphs, Trials, and Tribulations
15. Operation Shrink Charlie's Big Butt

Monday, May 23, 2011

Spring Fever Challenge: Week 8

Life's Journey with a Smile

My Goals:
1. Lose 8lbs!
2. Exercise 3x a week!
3. C25k program!
4. Scrapbook more!
5. Read more!
6. Continue cleaning, organizing, and purging in my home!

Positive Picture:
Kayley and I added two new cuties to our family of two this week!  Meet Flash (left) and Hopper (right)!

What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?
Hmm... honestly, not much.  I did do some cleaning and purging in the basement as well as Kayley's bedroom (G6).  Other then that not much at all.  :(  I've got a ton of crap going on in my life right now and there are some HUGE changes on the horizon.  These changes are pretty over whelming to me right now and I feel like I am barely hanging on.

What did you do this past week to make you feel good about yourself?
Again, nothing. I am feeling like I am not worthy of many things right now.

How do you measure success of your goals? 
Simply by seeing myself make progress towards them and eventually accomplishing them.

What is failure to you when it comes to goals?
When I don't achieve them in what I consider a reasonable amount of time.

Fun Question: If you could hop on a plane right now, where would you go? 
To California to see my Grammy.  I haven't seen her in 3 years and I miss her terribly.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Current Weight: Week Thirty-Eight

138.2 (+.4lbs)

Yep a little gain this week.  I also had to change my WI day because I picked up a 2nd job.  I WI on Sunday this week, but am not sure if I am going to keep this or not; I didn't get a warm-fuzzy feeling from the receptionists or leader.  Hmm... time to try somewhere else for sure.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Current Weight: Week Thirty-Seven

137.8 (-2.6lbs)

YAHOOO!! I finally broke into the 130s!!!  I am so happy!!! 9.8lbs to go to my goal!!!!

April Exercise Recap

April 7 - 30 mins raking
April 8 - 20 sit-ups
April 9 - 39 sit-ups
April 10 - 65 mins raking
April 11 - 25 min walk
April 12 - 20 mins Wii Fit+
April 14 - C25k:W1D1
April 17 - C25k:W1D2
April 18 - 30 min walk
April 27 - 30 min walk
April 29 - tons of walking at Six Flags

Did ok in April for exercise, but would have liked to do a lot more; life is certainly getting in the way so it's been tough.

Friend Makin' Monday: Are You a Bookworm?

Join us over at Kenz blog for FFM!!!
 How often do you read? I pretty much always have some book going; it depends on how much I am enjoying it on how quickly I read it.

What's the last book you read and loved? Currently I am reading the Sookie Stackhouse series and I have loved them all! 

What book(s) are you currently reading?  I am reading Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris; book 4 of the Sookie Stackhouse series.

 Share a few of your favorite authors.  Stephen King, Charlaine Harris, Jodi Picoult, Tori Hayden, Nicholas Sparks, Brian Jaque

What's next on your list of must-reads?  I want to continue reading more Sookie books, as well as Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring Fever Challenge: Week 5

Life's Journey with a Smile

My Goals:
1. Lose 8lbs!
2. Exercise 3x a week!
3. C25k program!
4. Scrapbook more!
5. Read more!
6. Continue cleaning, organizing, and purging in my home!

Positive Picture:

What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?
This week was pretty laid back so I didn't do too much towards my goals!  I was on April Vacation and spent the time soaking up all I could of my sweet daughter (pictured above).  I did do lots of reading in my spare time (G5).

What did you do this past week to make you feel good about yourself?
I spent a ton of time enjoying my daughter!  She is just such a love! So smart and wise above her years!!

It's May! What were your victories in April? Challenges?
I lost some weight, so that is something.  As for challenges I have a lot going on in my personal life so its been tough to focus on the things I have set as goals.

Do you have any plans for the challenge in May?
Ya, get back to my goals! LOL!

Fun Question: What is your favourite type of ethnic cuisine?
Hmm... I really like Italian  and Sushi is YUMMY too!
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