My Goals:
1. Lose 8lbs!
2. Exercise 3x a week!
3. C25k program!
4. Scrapbook more!
5. Read more!
6. Continue cleaning, organizing, and purging in my home!
Positive Picture:
My little cheese face!!! She is just so precious and keeps me going through all that I have going on!
What have you done this past week to help achieve your goals?
I exercised 2x this week (G2)! WOO HOO! I started reading a new book called Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott (G5). Its an addicting book that I can not put down! Its so sad and horrifying, but sooooo GOOD! Goal 3 (C25k) has been crossed out as I have recently found myself in the position of being a single mom to my three year old so getting out there to run has been impossible. I have also done more on G6 in my kitchen and living-room.
What did you do this past week to make you feel good about yourself?
I surrounded myself with family and friends who are extremely supportive of me in all that I am going through. With out them all I would never survive this ordeal.
What is your ultimate fitness goal in life?
To get to my goal weight and maintain it!!!
Do you have something you'd like to accomplish but think you can't?
I'd love to live debt free, but I don't see that happening, EVER!
Fun Question: Do you wear perfume/cologne? If so what kind?
Oh, love this question! For the past 10 or so years I have only worn body spray out of respect for someone in my life due to perfume causing headaches, but now that I am moving on I can start wearing it again! I have been thinking about it a lot lately and have no idea what is out there these days that smells nice! Anyone have an suggestions?